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Solution 2.0


We had added some features in to PRUQuest.



Tutorial Video
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Target Audience 
Youths with little to no knowledge of insurance matters.
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1. Educational Based
Games created to assist users in developing new knowledge, extending their understanding of existing financial topics and reinforcing their development.
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What did we improve?

Replace dialogue with short video 
Include more educational video about insurance and investment 
Youths will skip the conversation 
Youths did not learn much from the current PRUQuest.
2. Investment Simulation
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Although targeted at youths with little to no knowledge on investing, the simulator is suitable for everyone, regardless of your level of experience with investing as it allows users to hone their investment skills using simplified trading techniques.
Youths are eager to learn more about investing, but they are unsure about where to begin.
Youths who invest typically do not have a solid foundation on investing
3. Pause and resume button
A pause button should be present in most games so that players can occasionally stop playing and do something else, like take a break or change their preferences.
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The game would bug out halfway and would cause players to have to restart.
Players need to restart PRUQuest after quitted the game. 
4. Time Machine Simulation
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The persona will grow up and have a family to take care of. With this, they would have a better idea of what would happen in the future, since they will be experiencing unexpected events in the game.​ This would cause them to feel urgency and more interested in insurance.
Youths do not feel the urge to learn about and buy insurance now.​
5. Happiness Levels
Achievement related feature where players would have to satisfy their family needs by doing tasks that increaes their "family happiness levels".

Increase in families happiness levels would allow you to increase your own motivational level , earning you a promotion.
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Achievement related features are important in games
Makes the game more realistic with players having to balance between making family members andcontrolling their expenses
Learn how to save and control your finances, and adds higher stakes to the sucess of your investments. 
6. Random Events
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The persona will experiencing some random events in the game such as car accident. If they have insufficient savings to pay off bills and does not have any insurance, they will have to liquidate their investments. This would cause them to feel more urgency in insurance.
Youths do not feel the urge to learn about and buy insurance now.​
7. Social-related feature
This is true for mobile games; isn't it much more engaging when you can share  your accomplishments, compete with friends, and receive regular encouragement from others?
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Youth are easily influenced by friends.
Youth are more engaged when playing with friends.

Collaboration with Singapore's Polytechnic Financial Education module

FinEd is a compulsory module that all students have to take in order to graduate. This means that the collaboration would allow PRUQuest+ to expand its reach to the whole student body in SP. The module is conducted online, hence PRUQuest+ has the potential to be an effective digital engagement tool for students to learn more about financial literacy.


PRUQuest+ is most in line with the objective of the FinEd 3 module. This module aims to familiarise students with the various financial aspects involved in purchasing a home as well as helps students understand the use of insurance and common insurance products. Students also learn to identify and understand common investment instruments and learn some investment fundamentals.

Can PRUQuest+ be incorporated into SP's Financial Education module ?

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