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Market Analysis

What are the competing investment simulators available in the market?

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  • For beginners investing for the first time or looking to get more familiar with more advanced trading methods 

  • Over 6,000 equities on the NYSE and the Nasdaq to practice trading and investing in (USD 100,000 given)

  • Leaderboard available to compare yourself with other users (P/L)

  • Able to join/create an investment trading game to play with other users

  • Practice trading and investing by yourself or join a game with hundreds of thousands of other like-minded educated investors and compete for the top rank


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  • Allows users to practice realistic investment strategies and get familiar with different types of marketing orders

  • Social feature  - Moo Moo Community

  •  In-depth investment reviews, daily profit & loss, tradthe processes for building a personal trading system.

  • 1,000,000 in HK, US, China A-Shares and Singapore market each

  • Provides latest news on stock market, updated market data on the different stocks

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  • $100000 in virtual funds, only in US and HK market

  • Social feature: Lively Trading News and Community To Keep In Touch With The Market Sentiment

  • Allows you to discuss trading news with like-minded traders, share investing strategies and follow stock market-related news. You can also post your own thoughts about a particular stock a active Telegram chat group and Instagram feed (@tigerbrokerssg) that you can follow and interact with others.


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1. Simpler, Easier to understand

Other simulators may be too comprehensive and overwhelming for someone just starting out. Our solution provides beginners with an easy guide to begin while being comprehensive enough to give them valuable knowledge

2. Ties in with other aspects of financial  planning

Other simulators solely focuses on investing itself. Our solution has other aspects such as insurance, savings to simulate what being an adult is like

3. More Gamified

Our solution uses  virtual shares and companies instead of real shares allowing users to be more invested into the game environment without the influence of real world news. Users can be prepared for different market situations through our game that are not happening currently

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