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A day in the life




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Most youths like to play games in their free time.

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Hypothesis: Youths spend the most amount of time playing games on their phones than other mobile apps.

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How did we execute our experiment?

30 participants


Observe our friend groups in and out of school


Each participant to send a screenshot of their screen timing


Screen timing is based on weekly average


Analyse each screen timing

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Many participants talk about their investment holdings in school. They check their value on a regular basis and share their portfolio with each other.


Participants are easily influenced by their peers into playing a game.


All participants use Whatsapp and/or Telegram to communicate with other people.

Screen Time of Youths 

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40% of participants spend more than 10hrs a week playing mobile games.

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Some participants spend most of their time on PC games rather than mobile games. 

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More than 50% of participants spend more than 20hrs a week on social media.



14 out of  30 participants has broker app in their phone. ( Tiger Broker & MooMoo)



Hypothesis is incorrect.


Youths generally prefer PC games to mobile games. They usually use their phones for social media.


Interesting Findings:

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Youths use Instagram and Tik Tok the most:

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had Instagram in their top 3 most used apps


had Tik Tok in their top 3 most used apps


had Tik Tok/ Instagram in their top 3 most used apps

Attention span on Tik Tok is High

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2 Hours

Average time spent on TikTok per day

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Average time spent on Instagram per day

1 Hour 18 Mins

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