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competitor ANALYSIS 

Local insurance companies tend to use event gamification and challenge-based gamification. We will be taking a look at what these competitors did, their strong points, and also their weak points.



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Users film their driving and earn a score. If the driver/app user gets a certain number of points, they are able to save up to 20% on their Aviva car insurance.

  • Does not educate youths about insurance 

  • Does not help youths to learn the importance of insurance 

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  • Promotes safe driving directly related to product 

  • Monetary incentive can compensate for other faults of the app and retain users

  • Invites competition as users can see how they compare to their friends

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Upon completion of the MoneyBag game or quizzes on the app, users can earn PolicyPal Credits, which can be used to offset insurance premiums or redeem deals found in PolicyPal’s Rewards Marketplace.

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  • Quizzes and news articles to help educate users on insurance

  • Monetary incentive  

  • Chat function for enquiries 

  • One-stop shop for insurance questions and needs

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  • Lack of social and competitive features 

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Esports-style tournament where contestants were pitted against each other on a 1-1 battle and played a memory based game to win a $250,000 retirement plan. Aim was to attract millennials to enquire about Manulife and their range of policies.


On top of social media postings on Facebook and Instagram, the month-long campaign was also supported by display and social ads, influencer engagement, content strategy and bus-stop shelter ads.



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  • Weak link between the game and insurance  

  • Does not help youths to learn the importance of insurance 

  • Lack of user retention 

  • Monetary incentive  

  • Strong channel to raise awareness

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Zombielife Insurance is a board game where players try to survive a zombie epidemic. Players can decide to invest their money, buy protective equipment to prevent from getting infected, or simply purchase insurance for that huge payout in case they do become a zombie.

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  • No incentives given 

  • Need to pay to play

  • Not as accessible and convenient compared to a mobile game

What's missing?

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Strong Points 

  • Social and competitive feature

  • Users learn insurance as a by-product

  • Easier and cheaper to develop



  • Learning insurance as a by-product is a relatively unexplored area

  • Gamification in the local context is not as strong

  • Monetary incentives are used to attract users 

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