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Factors for Satisfaction in Gaming


Types of Gamification



Achievements where the person who plays the game will feel like that they have completed something important.


Immersion Related Features

Attempts to immerse players in self-purposeful activities such as roleplay, customisation of avatars and narratives.


Social Related Features

Any social interaction with other humans, such as social competition and social network features.



A study showed that rather than the actual game attempting to immerse players in their roleplay or story, it would possibly be better for the game to have achievements such as badges or missions instead as it would foster a sense of achievement. (Nannan Xi, Juho Hamari, 2018)

Social Related Features


 Social-related gamification features had a stronger association with relatedness satisfaction which suggests that it would be more crucial to try and experiment with this as it would make the users more satisfied. (Nannan Xi, Juho Hamari, 2018)

Relationship between the 3 factors


Social Related Features

Achievement Related Features

Immersion Related Features


1) The most important feature in user retention rate would be social-related features. This would mean that for a successful game to happen, it requires the implementation of social network features or social competition.

2) This contradicts our original assumption of the immersion-related features which include the narratives as the most important feature for retention rate.


3) It also shows that achievement-related features would help in user retention as well as it would help users feel that they had achieved something.

Strategies used in Gamification


Determination of Learner's Characteristic


Definition of Learning Objectives

Determination of Learner's Characteristic

In the Google Scholar Article on Gamification in Education, it was stated that in order for gamification to work, the teacher's needed to define student's profiles in order to determine the tools and techniques that would be suitable. They would also need to make the task of suitable difficulty. (Kiryakova, G., Angelova, N. and Yordanova, L., 2014)


Definition of Learning Objectives

It was also mentioned that the learning objectives have to be specific and clearly defined as it would help the teachers determine the educational activities and content that would be selected to help achieve the objectives. (Kiryakova, G., Angelova, N. and Yordanova, L., 2014)



1) This can be attributed to making a game for teaching youths, as they would need to have a profile of the youths' characteristics, so that they would be better able to cater for them.


2) Since the learning objective is to teach youths about financial literacy, it would give a more detailed idea of what kind of activities should be used to teach them about it.

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