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Olivia's User Journey Map on PRUXel- Life

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 Olivia remembered that her parents mentioned about buying her insurance before. She got worried that if anything were to happen to her, it will cause a financial burden on her parents. This motivated her to find out more about her insurance policy.

After reading about her insurance coverage, she was overwhelmed with the substantial amount of information. She felt that there were too many technical terms that were difficult to understand.

Olivia was impressed by the 2D retro interface that gave a nostalgic value. She was also attached to her in-game character and was motivated to customise her character by unlocking in-game cosmetics. Furthermore, being able to build her character a farm provided her with more incentive to continue to play the game. 

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Short-briefing or Guideline on what to do for each step of the game



Olivia's friend, Dinah shares about her father getting into an accident and how insurance helps to pay the medical bills.

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She got to know from Dinah of an Instagram page for insurance education and trailer of PRUxel Life. Then, Dinah introduced Olivia to game as she wanted to get the referral reward. Olivia was instantly hooked by the game and decided to give it a try.

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Olivia decided to recommend the game to her friends as a way to enhance the experience for her by playing with one another. She was interested in taking part in friendly competition with her friends to see who could build the most impressive farm.  Her friends were impressed by the game and downloaded it too.

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When she earn coins, Olivia visits the cash shop and looks at the different rewards available. She is able to turn her accumulated virtual coins to rewards such as grab / foodpanda voucher but is not excited by it as it requires an immense no. of coins (50000 coins) just to exchange for a $5 voucher.

GIve cash discount or voucher of insurance product 


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Olivia comes across the mission page and is eager to take on the expenses mission to help cultivate her saving habits. The mission page requires her to do tasks in real life to earn virtual coins in the game. The game will track her progress with SG Findex page as it is connected to her bank account which allows her to keep track of her finances and improve her saving skills.

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Olivia went to the shop and bought the blueberry seeds with 1 coin. She then planted it in her farm.  PRUxel Life informs Olivia that she is able to gain a 2x speed boost for her plants via locking up her phone for 10 minutes. Seeing this, Olivia is keen to do so as it will help to improve her self-control in study. .This helps her to cut down the time for blueberry to grow. After that, she can sell it at shop again for 3 coins. She can earn more coins with planting the fruit and vegetables. However, the screen lock feature will only motivate her for a short time, as locking her phone will be problematic in the long run

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In PruXEL Life, there are random game events such as illnesses and accidents which will occasionally occur setting players back! Oliva is given the option to buy insurance for herself or her farm and is able to choose the coverage she desires. The goal behind this concept is to emulate the pain of not having insurance during an unforeseeable event.  

More options when choosing the type of life insurance in the game



However, Olivia discovered that certain information was inaccurate when she had a chat with Dinah, who is financially educated, told her that there wouldn’t be a complete refund for Personal Accident and Land insurance. Dinah proceeded to show Olivia her lecture notes on insurance policies to show how the refund is actually calculated. 

After talking more to Dinah about insurance, she realised that despite playing the games, she had much more to learn about insurance. She did not understand terms such as deductibles, integrated shield plans, cash bonuses. This made her feel like her time committed to playing the game was in vain. 

Although Olivia was able to cut down on her expenses and improve her saving habits using the app, she realised that she still did not know how to properly save for insurance. She felt that she did not know how premiums worked, and how much she should be covered in the event that she were to buy the insurance. This concerned Olivia, and she was discouraged.

Olivia felt further discouraged when her online friends that she added in the game stopped playing one by one as they moved onto a newer multiplayer game. 

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In addition, she felt that the game could no longer teach her new knowledge on financial literacy. Thus, she eventually stopped playing PruxelLife. 

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Linkage to websites that provides more information on insurance policies


Suggest a financial plan to help user manage their finances e.g. saving for insurance premiums


Improve the socialisation e.g. create some activity that more engaging


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