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Olivia's User Journey Map on Solution


After downloading the game and playing through the minigames, she is puzzled as she does not see the relation to finance and insurance.


She finishes the game and is disappointed. She did not learn much about insurance on the game, and if she were to want to learn about the parts that she missed out on (co-payment etc) she would have to replay the game.


Even though she finds the information on insurance useful, she is not too interested in the topic. She thinks that insurance is not something that she needs to buy now and it is already supplied to her by her parents.

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Oblivious Olivia sees updated PRUQuest trailer on Instagram and is intrigued by it. She decided to download it as she don’t understand how insurance and investment are linked together.

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She was unable to finish the game as she had other school work to complete.

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She reaches the time machine (skull cave). The game takes her character into the future where she has a family. She presses onto her character where she sees the option “Happiness Level”. Curious, she clicks on it.


Olivia’s friend introduces her to PRUQuest and she decided to download it.


She gets to the section where she purchases insurance. However, since she has skipped on most of the dialogue to progress, she was unable to learn about what premiums and co-payments are. The only one thing she was able to take away was that insurance was able to help her save her money.


Her friend introduced her to the GenZ Insurers instagram page again. 

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The knowledge about investment intrigues her as she is doing investments of her own. However she does not know much about investing and is buying shares based on what her friends are telling her. Hence she finds that the knowledge on investment can be helpful to her.

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After playing through the original parts of PRUQuest she was able to learn some basics of insurance. She was able to watch short videos on co-payment and annual premium. These videos were short and helped her understand these terms easily.

Pain point of original PRUQuest: she felt that she did not learn much from the original game. 


When she returned to play the game during her break, she was pleased to find out that she could resume from her progress.

Pain point of original PRUQuest: She needs to restart the game whenever she returns after exiting it. 

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She sees that she has a wife, son and daughter. She also sees that she has tasks to complete. She clicks on one of the tasks “Send the kids for tuition”. She completes it and sees her expenses as well as her wife’s happiness meter increase. 

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She decides to look at the expenses function and realises that these tasks help her manage her expenses and savings.

Strong point: Olivia is generally bad at saving and she recongnises that when she becomes an adult this will become harder. Hence she is delighted that this game will help her learn how to save.

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After she gets her wife’s happiness level to level 2, she sees that her character’s happiness level increases. Her character gets a promotion and her income increases. She gets a notification she has a job promotion and an increase in income. As a result, her savings increase and went to her investment account. 


After going into the investment account, she realises that there is an investment simulation. She decides to explore it.  She attempts to buy one share and sees that the options for buying  a share are similar to the broker apps that she uses such as Tiger Trade. She sees many order terms that she doesn’t understand from her broker accounts. However there are videos for her to watch and answer her questions.

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After exploring the investment sections, and looking at the news section. She sees that Amazona is a top traded stocks and their sales were increasing. She also takes a look at a summarised version of their financials and sees their EPS and revenues are favourable. Furthermore, she is thankful that she does not have to search it on the internet as she finds reading rather mundane. Using her new found knowledge on the types of orders, she executes her trades on Amazona.

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After a few days have passed in the game, she monitors her portfolio and decides to sell Amazona since it has risen in value.  She feels a sense of accomplishment knowing her prediction is correct. This motivates her to continue to look at other stocks and build her portfolio. She is invested in building her in game wealth and the sense of achievement she gets.

After looking through the insurance sections, she decides not to buy insurance for any of the family members as she sees it as an expense. After a few days pass, she gets an in game notification that her son had been hospitalized. This was a huge expense and she didnt have much income left for her portfolio.

Furthermore at the time, her investments were not doing well and she was making a loss. Remembering that the insurance premium would have costed less, she decides to buy insurance for her family members and herself.

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Through the experience she sees the link between insurance and wealth being.  If she had the insurance she would have been able to save more and help with her investments. Furthermore, her view on insurance changed from being an expense to a necessity. She also gets a feel for the financial burden of raising a family. She realises how disciplined she will have to be in the future and this motivates her to start saving properly.

She continues to play the game occasionally to manage her game finances and build her wealth. She consistently checks her portfolio to see if she has profited and enjoys the thrill of seeing whether she has made any gains without any risks. However one pain point is that she is unable to buy real life stocks to see what would happen if she actually bought them. 

When Oliva decides to continue real life investments, she uses the principals that she has learned in the game. She does research and looks at investment indicators. She is more confident with her investments in real life and has an idea of what she is doing. Whenever she came across a term she did not understand, she went back to the education section of the apps to do quick research on the topics.

One day in school, Olivia is having a chat about her classmates about their investments. Her friends are impressed by her knowledge. She shows them the education section of the app and how it helps someone like her with a short term attention span to understand. She tells them that it has simplified investing and financial matters for her.

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